Why is external traffic your ticket to Amazon success?

💰 Amazon's 10% Bonus: Amazon loves it when you bring in external traffic. How do we know? They're giving you a 10% bonus on your brand's sales driven by external means, through the Brand Referral Bonus (BRB). Yes, you read that right. Amazon pays YOU!

📊 Tracking Every Click: Amazon is watching closely. They track external traffic meticulously, and it pays off big time. It's like having Amazon's eyes on your success 24/7. That's why they have invested millions upon millions on a robust attribution platform.

🚀 Double Your Impact: External traffic doesn't just boost your sales; it supercharges your Amazon rankings. It's the secret sauce to making your products shine.

🌟 A Golden Opportunity: Most Amazon sellers shy away from external traffic simply because it seems hard, complicated, and adds another skill to learn. However, that's precisely why this is a golden opportunity for those who dare to embrace it. The best part? Slayy Digital has your back every step of the way. From setting up Amazon attribution (Brand Registry required) to managing and optimizing all your Google Ads campaigns, we've got the expertise to make this game-changing strategy work for you. Don't let the complexity hold you back; let us make it effortless for you. Seize the opportunity and watch your Amazon business thrive! 💼🚀

Ready to uncover Amazon's best-kept secret? Let's talk and see how external traffic can put your brand in the spotlight! 💡

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Are we the right agency for your business? Are you the right client for Slayy Digital. Let's have a quick call to explore if, and how we can help you grow your sales on Amazon, improve profitability and save money.

Find a time on our calendar today, and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

Our ideal client looks something like...

  • Existing sellers with $10,000 to $100,000 in monthly sales

  • Between 3 and 30 Products

  • ​Mostly FBA listings​

  • Brand Registered

  • Sellers looking to dramatically
    improve their tACOS